The older I get the more I realize that most issues have two sides that rarely are explained in detail. Trying not to sound elitist but it is easy to see why most people don't have the capacity or willingness to try to see both sides or to understand that truth can be subjective. I'm too old to have knee jerk reactions to the news anymore; more like Ideological spasms.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Virgil

My thing with Griner is this: other than the fact that she’s an American who got to come home and doesn’t have to stay in a damn Russian prison for 14 years or whatever, I couldn’t care less. Looks like the gun-runner they traded for her mostly ran guns for us, anyway. Lol. So…meh.

I also couldn’t be bothered to care about Harry and Meghan. I mentioned something like that to my boss once, and she was like “OMG! I’m sooo Team Harry and Meghan!” And that’s hilarious because she would eat them alive if she ever saw them in person. Lightweights. My thoughts about Meghan Markle are that she’s kind of cute…and then I move right the hell on with my day.

I am finding it increasingly difficult to care about any politics these days, after the shit show of the midterms. It’s all just BS posturing anyway. 90% of them are, ultimately, on the same team. And guess what? They’re wearing a different color jersey than I am and they all have the latest sneakers, leaving me to wear the sweat-stained pinney and the too-small shoes with blown-out toes.

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I don't really care about politics either... other than that I am enjoying watching Trump implode and am hopeful about DeSantis. But I'm not tracking it that closely.

Griner - We don't really know what deal was cut or what moving parts the deal had. I don't know much about it and never really will. It's covert.

Aren't you interested to see what the Government is hiding on Oswald? I'm looking forward to seeing that.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Virgil

Meh. I know it’s a huge mystery or whatever from 60 years ago, but I really just don’t see them releasing anything remotely helpful. Jon Voigt had it right in National Treasure: “…and then that’ll lead to another clue, and to another…”

I wasn’t alive when Kennedy was killed and it’s extremely unlikely that my life will be materially affected by anything revealed. If it’s also not going to satisfy my curiosity, then 🤷🏼‍♂️.

Sorry to be a wet blanket. I just have 57 million things more pressing in my life right now. Lol.

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Womp womp. I have been following JFK theories most of my life. The idea that there are people within the government that still, even 60 years later, know things about that event that they are hesitant to share with the American people was and remains one of the things that drives my libertarian philosophy.

I reject most conspiracy theories when it comes to the assassination. I don't believe there is any evidence of multiple gunmen. I seriously doubt that there was direct foreign government involvement in the assassination. I am almost completely sure there was no domestic government involvement (as it would hav been much easier to poison him and claim a heart attack than blow his head off in front of a zillion people while he was in a car with the Governor of Texas, his wife, and the Veep was in the car right behind him.

However, I have never really subscribed to the idea that Oswald was a lone nutter. The anti-conspiracy folks talk about Oswald like it was perfectly normal for a US Marine to defect to the Soviets, come back to America, continually approach communist organizers and foreign embassies, and have the US government and the Soviet / Cubans basically ignore him. I don't think that was the case. I think Oswald is much more connected to US/Soviet relations than has been reported.

I can understand why the US Government (as well as the Soviets) wanted to keep this quiet. After all, if such a thing leaked, conspiracy minded individuals might assume that his actions on 11/22/63 were sanctioned by Castro, or Krushchev, or Dulles.

But it's been 60 years. So I want to know what's in the files. None of the same people are still around... let's see who this guy was.

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Haha. Merry that thing.

Who are Harry and Maggie?


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Merry merry!

They are just a couple of illegal aliens who don't work.

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